Should I get a tattoo?
2012-05-19 09:12:15 UTC
Hi, I'm not sure if I want a tattoo but if I get one where should it be and what kind of tattoo should it be?

I was thinking about something tribal, but as you can see i'm not much ripped so.. idk
Ten answers:
2012-05-19 12:11:45 UTC
You look nice just the way you are.

Don't follow the tattoo sheep and get one just because everyone else is. You'll stand out more the way you look now.

2012-05-19 11:02:03 UTC
Tribal is so unimaginative...whenever I see someone with a "tribal" tattoo, I ask them what tribe their from and what the tattoo means to them and their far, a lot of uncomfortble looks, no actual answers, because it's always guys trying to look "tough" who get them, and their always made up and not really tribal. Please don't insult entire groups of people across the globe this way.

That having been said, you shouldn't get a tattoo unless you want it because you want the one you're getting...wanting one just to have A tattoo, rather than THE tattoo is just sad, and you'll regret it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE tattoos, but they are suposed to mean something to you.
Sur La Mer
2012-05-19 09:14:13 UTC
Totally you be the judge!

That's like hiring someone to do a ceiling mural.

I got mine done, but the 1st guy found bigger fish to fry, more out of town, and we've agreed to give him 4 checks installment. After the 1st check, he comes less & less, and making excuses, but I was his 1st employee, until he found one farther and he keeps asking me for gas money. Was I now supporting him? He was 80% done, and he walked out on me, gave him his last pay but not all of it, since he didn't finished the job. I have to hire 4 new employees, and it still didn't have that WOW! effect!

Except, the canvas here is your skin. You can't laser and start over again, it's much painful than that.

Laser takes several treatments.

What else can I say! That's another reason why I won't let my body turn into a canvas. Mistakes happens, ALL THE TIME, a painful mistake, then there's the allergic reaction from the ink. I'd much rather get my teeth pulled - anytime! Speaking of tooth pulling, one dentist thought he needed to polish a tooth using a tool that takes my took to be numbed. After he injected me with a numbing effect, he realized it was actually a blemish and it came off. I left his office, my mouth still swollen from the injection!

Lasers have made it easier to lighten tattoos, but it's not as easy or as reliable as many people think. Lightening a tattoo generally takes several treatments and can be expensive. How well it works depends on the tattoo. Many tattoos can be lightened until they are much less noticeable, but usually a trace of the tattoo remains.

Also, some tattoo colors are harder to remove than others. Laser treatments can turn some tattoos darker instead of lighter, or change them to a different color. The same goes for "permanent makeup," which is a kind of tattoo. It depends on what ingredients went into the tattoo ink to produce the color.

But it can be hard to find out what's in tattoo inks because they usually don't have ingredients listed on the label. Very often, even the tattooist doesn't know what's in the tattoo ink because the company that made it considers the formula "proprietary" (pro-pry-uh-tar-ee). That means it's a trade secret.

Speaking of forever, how often do you change your mind about your hair, your earrings, or the clothes you like to wear? It's not so easy when you change your mind about a tattoo.

EXTRA BONUS INFO! Although many "temporary tattoos" are legal, some -- especially some of those imported from other countries -- are illegal in the United States because they use color additives that are not approved for use on the skin. FDA has had reports of people having allergic reactions to temporary tattoos.

What about henna temporary tattoos? Henna is a brown to reddish brown dye made from a plant. It is approved only for use on the hair, not the skin. If it is black, or any other color besides brown or reddish brown, it contains other ingredients. It also may contain other ingredients to make the stain darker, make the skin absorb the color more easily, or make the stain last longer. Paraphenylenediamine, or PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time

Could these ingredients hurt you? It depends. Individuals are different and may be sensitive to different things. If you don't know what the ingredients are, it's impossible to tell what they might do if you put them on your skin.
2012-05-19 09:16:43 UTC
It's your choice but here's a suggestion. Get a henna tattoo before a real tattoo. Henna tattoos last about a 1 month. That way you can see if you really like your tattoo and its location. Also, get something with meaning. And don't get a boyfriend or girlfriends name. Don't get a face of anyone. Don't get something weird and tribal. IF you are getting something in another language, for example, Chinese, do your research. My friend wanted her tattoo to say DREAM but she never did her research. SHe went and picked a drawing out of a book at the tattoo parlor and it supposedly meant DREAM. BUt no, turns out the tattoo actually meant Refrigerator.
2012-05-19 09:21:07 UTC
why would you get a tattoo for the sake of getting a tattoo? Your tastes are always changing so once you get it you will just grow out of it and get really upset with yourself. A tattoo is a pernament solution to a temporary problem (the temporary problem feeling like you don't fit in with other "cool" people), but once you try to get a job or a future wife/husband/partner it really limits your options. People get rejected for a job interview and reltionships because tattoos don't appeal to everybody, but how many times has somebody been hired or asked out solely becuase of a tattoo? Pretty much never. Tattoos really limit and effect your future options in life and if you think about it does it really make your life any better if you spend lots of money on a tattoo? I can't see how it does.
2016-09-19 09:28:59 UTC
Now I'll reply the ones,however you must too! What used to be your first tattoo? A middle When did you get yours? thirteen. If you would not have one,do you desire one? What form of tattoo do you desire?Stars on my shoulder. How many do you have got?a million Where do you have got one?On my left palm. :] PIERCING IS BETTER
2012-05-19 11:03:46 UTC
If you want a tattoo you should be the one to decide where and what. Don't let other people choose what goes on your body permanently.
2012-05-19 09:17:28 UTC
I wouldn't get a tattoo unless you're absolutely certain that it's what you want, you know that you're going to want it your whole life, and are willing to put up with any consequences that arise (old age wrinkling your tattoo?). Don't make yourself regret it.
2012-05-19 09:14:34 UTC
Just remember that one day you'll be old and wrinkly and in a nursing home, and you'll have an old wrinkly tattoo....
Sara Ann
2012-05-19 09:22:29 UTC
Honey, if you have to ask, then the answer is clearly no.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.