First tattoo: ribs with free-hand sketch of tribal/initials?
2009-08-12 01:39:51 UTC
I'm turning 16 in about 2 weeks and for my birthday I'm going to get my first tattoo on my ribs with the intentions of getting the most painful part of my body inked (so I've heard) so that my future tattoos will be a breeze. I'm just curious as to how bad it would stretch/look over time and just how bad it will hurt. I've heard from some people it's like a burning cat scratch, others like getting stung by multiple bees. I do a lot of my own drawings of my tattoos and what I have in mind was a tribal design that intertwines itself vertically and will leave 3 open space for me to put in script text of my initials. I want it to start about 3 inches below my armpit and end about an inch above my hip bone qith a width of about 3-4 inches. I can handle some pain, but this is going to be my first tattoo so I don't know what to expect. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Eight answers:
Tracey B
2009-08-12 05:26:20 UTC
Tattoos are not a breeze at all and yeh it's gonna hurt like hell on your ribs cos it's close to the bone. Everyone has a different pain threshold, back, arms and shoulders are OK but one of mine goes just under my armpit and made me grit my teeth and sweat ! Problem is, once it's started, you have to have it finished especially if you need more than one sitting so bear that in mind.
Red Sunshine
2009-08-12 05:56:44 UTC
Tattoos hurt. Even if you think that this will be the most painful tattoo, it may not be. Everyone's pain tolerance is different, but for most people, the ribs are the most painful. I think getting a rib piece for your first tattoo is a bad idea. I also think getting a rib piece at barely 16 is a bad idea. Your body is not done growing and what may be on your ribs now, will definitely not be in a couple of years. Wait until you're done growing to tattoo your ribs. I don't agree with minors getting tattooed but it seems obvious that you are going to do it no matter what. I suggest looking at another place on your body for your first tattoo - somewhere that is easy to cover and won't stretch too much as your body grows. Think about getting your first tattoo somewhere on your back.
2009-08-12 01:44:40 UTC
I believe the collar bone is one of the most painful places to get tattooed. Ribs will definitely hurt, but it could be worse. My brother got a massive wing span tattooed over his back, underarms, upper arms and partially on his ribs. The inside of your knees and elbows as well as your stomach hurt a lot more in my opinion too. You should be ok. After a while the adrenaline kicks in.

I suggest taking it in multiple sittings if it gets to be too much
2009-08-12 03:55:04 UTC
im about your age turnin 16 in a month. i just got a tat done about 2 or 3 weeks back. goes from my arm to my chest and into my ribs, and the most pain full part was my ribs. RIBS KILL! loll but yer its a pain you can handle just think about something else and chew gum you'll be all sweet.
2016-04-04 09:47:09 UTC
I think the finished one on the hand is super! I would love a tattoo like that but not just for black light. The sketch looks great too and I think it will be just what you will want when it is finished. Good luck!
2009-08-14 08:57:32 UTC
It's highly painful, especially going over your ribs (bones... skin and bone area...).

but it will most def stretch... i dunno if you're a guy or girl... but boys grow till they're in their mid to late 20's while girls stop growing by the age of 20... sooo think about it, it'll stretch out big time...
2009-08-12 06:27:16 UTC
Tribal tats are so cool. But maybe you should check out this website for designs. You can't go wrong:
2009-08-12 02:25:06 UTC
if you go fatter or pregnant it will stretch and come a lot bigger after the baby is born and also i don't no why you want to draw on yourself

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