What are your most hated types of tattoos?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are your most hated types of tattoos?
45 answers:
Vera C
2007-08-21 07:50:08 UTC
The only tattoos that I have a problem with are ones that are blatantly discriminating against other people- swat sticker, rude words, hand with middle finger up, etc.

Other than that, everyone has the right to wear whatever body art they like. As far as tattoos being "crap", that is your opinion as the viewer, but I am sure that the wearer feels entirely different. Why not take the time to ask someone what their tattoo(s) means to them -- you might be surprised by the answers you receive.

I do not have body art because I want to be cool or because I seek attention. Each of my tattoos have deep meanings to me and I am proud to display all of them.

Yup, I have a Kanji symbol that represents Balance, I have 2 Snoopy Tattoos - one displaying my love for Fishing and one displaying my love of the water, 1 Lion King Tattoo (represents the love that my husband and I have for each other), a leg sleeve of Alice in Wonderland related tattoos (each has a direct relationship to parts of my life) and I have a few others.

I do not think that any tattoo should be referred to as a "Tramp Stamp". People with tattoos are not trashy, uneducated, or circus animals.
2007-08-21 07:30:56 UTC
anything that says juicy, lucsious, ect...u know...trying to make themselves sound so absolutely delicious.that actually just makes them look like a whore....ppl with tatts that say asian pride, or whatever their nationality is...i hate tatts that say asian pride, im asian by the way....i mena if u got so much pride in urself or ur something for ur community or something, maybe something like for ur u agree?
2007-08-21 08:58:07 UTC
The only tattoos I really don't like are ignorant/racist tattoos. Everything else, as long as the wearer likes it, is fine.
2007-08-21 08:05:48 UTC
I am not into racist or prison tattoo's. Other than that I just don't like poor quality work that some scratcher did in their house. I don't think there is anything wrong with people getting pop culture tattoos if they mean something to the person right now. My tattoo's are more about where I have been then who I am. I have tattoo's of Jerry Garcia and Bob Marley's portraits on my back. Would I get them today?? No, but I love them because they remind me of where I was in life as a young adult. I also have several tattoo's with religious origins although I am not in any way religious. I have Japanese and African inspired art on my arms, the Japanese work being a full sleeve of mostly Buddhist images. I am no closer to being Buddhist then I am Christian, but I do know the history and art history of the images I wear. I don't think someone needs to be able to give a dissertation on a subject before getting it tattooed, a general admiration for the art is reason enough.
2007-08-21 07:19:46 UTC
unimaginative ones that people take from any famous movie or from a big band etc...
C. Lo
2007-08-21 10:15:44 UTC
I hate it when people directly copy someone else's tattoos...such as people in movies or in bands or some they see around.

The flash art that seems to come with some tattoo kits that I've seen in catalogs....AWFUL.

Mr. Cool Ice tattoos (Google it and you see exactly why)

Fake tribal and fake Celtic designs.....anywhere....people should do research before getting such tattoos.

Trendy seems that getting a bunch of hearts, lightning bolts and stars seems to be popular with them emo and pop punk kids....most of em look the same....the fake tribal falls under this category

The razorblade in skin tattoos....hate em.

Most jailhouse style tattoos

White Power tattoos. Screwdriver tattoos...

Have you ever seen the guy that has his whole body dedicated to Disney Characters? It's outta control but I actually think it's kinda cool...if it's a good cartoon theme and done wicked good I like it....
Sour Girl
2007-08-21 07:47:24 UTC
I like almost any tattoo if it has some MEANING behind it. I cannot stand to see people with tattoos who got them because they were trying to be cool...UGH. Get some life experience and THEN get at tattoo.
2007-08-21 07:45:30 UTC
*lol* Another tattoo snob, I love you!

I too, don't like tribal tattoos, not on most people. I once saw an immigrant from Africa with tribal tattoos, it really worked for him. But come one, some skinny white boy from suburbia? Looks rediculous.

I actually rather like butterflies if they are artistically done.

Disney or loony tunes....I can't add to that, they're pretty bad.

Using chinese/japanese lettering is pretty silly, especially when the don't know the language and have no idea what the letters actually mean.

Floral bands, I man they are pretty but a poor substitute for a bracelet. It's suppose to be a tattoo, not jewelery.

Badly drawn fairies, it just makes me want to hurl.

I can't help but to roll my eyes when I see people with black angel wings tatt on their backs, I've seen that one everywhere. Do they really think they're being a rebel by making them black? Geez

The absolutely worse tattoo: I *heart* Colleen. I see that kind of tattoo and think, wow they are really going to regret getting their girlfriend/boyfriend's name tattoos permenately on their skin...

Well, that's all I can think of, thanks for listening :)
2007-08-21 07:18:26 UTC
When stupid people tatoo their lovers name on their bodies and of course, it never works out. It's a curse!
2007-08-21 07:20:14 UTC
1. Arm bands. They make me want to vomit.

2. People who get a "coy" fish (koi) tattoo because it looks cool but they don't know what it's supposed to represent drive my crazy. That kind of fits in with your appreciation of Chinese or Japanese culture appreciation, and how people get symbols of words because they want to appear cool. Gag me.

I'm sure that I have a lot more, but I just can't think of it right now.
2007-08-21 12:26:25 UTC
Are you trying to date me or something? ;)

The list would just be way too long..."time longer than rope"! ...and if I actually came out and said it all, I'm afraid I'd make many more enemies than I already have.

Here are a couple nasty ones I saw browsing BME recently:

But all butt-flies, hairy-fairies, and a*s-antlers aside, what I really hate (though it's not quite so common as the the aforementioned) are tattoos related to bands....yup, I said it.
2016-03-17 07:55:30 UTC
While I do hate a lot of the questions on this board, this one always irritates me. I'm rather inky, and I absolutely admit that I have a bit of flash on me, if I were older I probably would not have gotten all of them, but really the important thing to always remember is that the significance of my tattoo is not for you to decide. I remember the day I got them, the mindset that I was in, and the event in my life that sparked getting it. So while it may just be something picked off a wall does not make it any less significant. Now having said that, yes, there are some that get on my nerves, stars, birds, cupcakes, words, lyrics, the list goes on, but I don't pretend to know anything about why they decided to get that tattoo.
2007-08-21 07:20:22 UTC
Im not real big on the tribal arm bands they are so over done! and i agree with the butterflys seems like every girl i see with tattoos has a butterfly somewhere. Also the whole sleeve im not so big on, it just seems a bit much, but dont get me wrong im all for the art of tattooing but some things just seem overdone, if you are getting a tattoo get something that is meaningful to you not just something that everyone else has!
Venice Girl
2007-08-21 11:09:12 UTC
I gotta go with you right down the line, and pretty much, in that order.

1. If there is any tattoo that is truly "out," it's tribal. If you go tribal, you gotta, gotta go to the roots. True samoan, true fiji, it's gotta be real.

2. Butterflies. Ugh. Don't need to say more. Except: hearts. ugh, ugh.

3. I love asian, but I LOVE ASIAN. I've studied the culture and I know it and understand it. You're right. If you're getting a kanji with no clue of the culture behind it, move on!

4. I have a Peter Pan and Tinkerbell tattoo, but that is not because I ever loved these characters in and of themselves. I never gave them a second thought until my boyfriend, referred to us as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell and when he was killed, well.... the choice was obvious.... but, yeah, I just heard a discussion on the radio this morning with Kat Von D and they said one of the most tired tats these days is Taz, the tasmanian devil.

5. Bad tattoos done by bad artists. Has anyone ever heard of doing your research first?

Traditional tats will never go out of style. True cultural tats will never go out of style. But, people gotta be aware of trends that come and go and stay away from them.
2007-08-21 10:04:01 UTC
In Cancer Vixen the author/artist mentions "***-lers" those tribal-esque lower back tattoos where the ends peek out of a girls jeans. Those irritate me.

I'm with you on the Japanese/Chinese characters I always wonder if they say what the owner of said tattoo thinks they say.

Bad portraits make me sad, did they see any of the artists work first? That looks nothing like your kid!

I also hate (you don't see this so much anymore) any tattoo that is supposed to look like the skin is pulled or torn away, either a tiger is scratching it's way out of your skin or it reveals your circuitry (eye roll).
2007-08-22 12:04:00 UTC
If you aren't in a tribe, don't get a tribal.

Armbands in general are crap.

Anything on the side of a person's neck is disgusting.

People who tattoo their faces are idiots.

But most of all....

People who hate tattoos yet come into the tattoo section to spread their religious beliefs are the most idiotic creatures on the planet and deserve to be beaten with rusty pipes.

katie c
2007-08-21 08:40:25 UTC
I personally don't like flash art. All of mine are custom drawn. My friend owns the tattoo shop I get my work done at so i know whats orginal or not. I also can't stand arm bans on females. I don't like tattoos on females arms at all honestly. All of my tats can be hiden. That is strictly for the reason that when I'm at work and have to look professional, I'm not sitting there dealing with clients with ink all over. I personally don't have a problem with it but some people really do. So my personal rule is put them where you can hide them, especially if you have the whole corprate america jobs. I am not going to actually "dis" peoples opinions on what is "good" ink and what is "bad" ink. everyone has thier own taste and we aren't here to say if what they have is stupid or annoying or what not.
2007-08-21 07:20:48 UTC
I really hate things like Hello Kitty or Spongebob, it just shows that whoever got the tattoo is stupid and never thought "When I'm 70, would I still want this cartoon on my arm/chest/whatever?"

It's when people get a tattoo just to get a tattoo that it's usually dumb.

And, yes, it kills me to see people with tattoos they don't have any idea what they mean.
2007-08-21 07:21:09 UTC
I agree with all of yours and I also hate those stupid lower-back tattoos.If you are going to get a tattoo, at least make it means something to you, don't just walk into the shop and pick it off the rack. I am planning on getting my first tatt soon, but I am waiting until I find something that really is representative of myself.
2007-08-21 17:05:54 UTC
Anything that I see on ten or so people a week. I keep seeing the same tattoos one everyone...personally, I'm designing my own. Tattoos are art, people should get creative!
2007-08-22 14:30:40 UTC
I really dislike tattoos where people put Chinese characters on themselves when they really don't know what those characters mean, know nothing about the culture or what they are getting tattooed on themselves. I've seen some hmmm...interesting tattoos that are supposed to be the person's "name"...CHINESE DON'T HAVE AN ALPHABET!!!! have some random phrase or sentence on your back...NOT your name.
2007-08-21 12:11:45 UTC
first of all, do you HAVE a tattoo????

well i don't know what makes you such an authority, or who gave you the right to knock what other people like.

what the h is a 'tattoo elitist' and what the f are 'traditional american tattoos'?????

(good debate yet?)

nudity burns me up -- too out in the open and other people don't have a whole lot of choice but to see it.

i had my fave band autograph my shoulder & then went & had it tattooed, so it's a unique one that i love! the artist said in 14 yrs of tattooing this was only his 4th
2007-08-22 16:25:42 UTC
I love any tattoo as long as it has some meaning behind it. A guy I work with has winnie the pooh on his arm. He has it because his daughter had cancer when she was younger and while she went through chemotherapy she had this winnie the pooh stuffed animal that she kept with her. It was given to her by her godmother.
2007-08-21 07:23:06 UTC
I would never tattoo a boyfriends name on myself, or my own name. Am I really going to ever forget my name?? Why do I need it tattooed on myself?
2007-08-21 10:24:33 UTC
i am not a fan of overtly sexual tattoos..i understand that everyone has their own preferance and im not knocking anyones but when i was getting my latest tattoo there was a guy who was getting a girl tattooed on his inner arm/elbow area..everytime he straightened his arm it looked like she was opening her legs and when he bent at the elbow her legs closed and the inside of his elbow was also tattooed and was very detailed so it looked "realistic" if u catch my drift and for me that turned my stomach because if ur next to that guy at the bank and ur with ur 95 yr old nana and ur 3 yr old kid and he reaches for the pen next to u..... YIKES!! my friend has a bunch of pinup girl style tattoos on his legs and he has to wear pants because of them because people at work are offended even though u cant see any body part..just the hint of that upsets people sometimes..u gotta think about the reaction ur gunna get
2007-08-21 07:21:44 UTC
Totally agree about Chinese and Japanese hyeroglifs. Most of people don't even know what they mean. If I worked at tatoo salon and speak Chinese I'd made some funny things. Like writing "I'm idiot" or "Kick my ***" in Chinese ;) lol

Also I hate flowers, simple chains, somebody's names and years of birth
2007-08-21 07:19:18 UTC
Jail house of course, Tribal ( I personaly have one, but that was before every other idiot got one which is the main reason why I don't like them). The tramp stamp tattoo on womens lower back.
2007-08-21 10:43:01 UTC
I despise the cartoon character. Winnie is so played out.
2007-08-21 07:22:35 UTC
You read my mind.

In addition to your four I hate:



Angel Wings

Lower back tattoos in general

four leafed clovers

playboy bunnies.

armband tattoos (especially those dumb barbed wire ones)
Lady Jay
2007-08-21 09:06:44 UTC
I don't know what it is...but I hate when people get tattoos right on top of their feet.
2007-08-21 07:18:51 UTC
I personally think name tattoos are really stupid.

I've heard of people being together for a month and having each others names tattooed on their chests. They broke up after another week and now have "billy" and "Sammy" stuck on them forever(unless they get it removed).
drea D
2007-08-21 07:15:23 UTC
i hate the rose and thorn on the ankle.

looney toon thing,

dark mystical characters
2007-08-21 11:03:59 UTC
i absolutely despise the butterfly lame! also, when people tatoo the names of their boyfriends or whatever, and then they break up. can you get any more stupid than that? tatoos are permanent, relationships aren't. if you must, get a henna tatoo instead
2007-08-21 08:22:51 UTC
I agree with you totally! Traditional art is my life. Tribal is way over rated and konji is just ugly...
2007-08-21 08:41:19 UTC
I think its funny when they put there lovers name there and it doesn;t work out , becuase we saw this one dude who always had black sharpie on his arm to cover up this one girls name .
2007-08-21 09:09:31 UTC
I don't like tribal or oriental tattoos. But I do like prison tattoos, they're done the best, one needle and they do excellent work.
2007-08-21 13:00:15 UTC
Tribal tattoos - they are so out of style.

Lower back tattoos - aka. tramp stamps or whore brands.
Kate J
2007-08-21 07:15:26 UTC
How about a gigantic JESTER on your arm? This is a woman I'm talking about.
Talk Talk
2007-08-22 10:04:00 UTC
big *** crosses on the top of the arm

and stars are starting to get on my nerves to
Heather B
2007-08-21 08:41:31 UTC
Im sick of seeing people with the nautical star's
Rider (12NI)
2007-08-21 10:07:45 UTC
Names are bad enough.....but your OWN name on yourself. What...... someone asks what your name is and you have to roll your sleeve up to remember it?

Rider (inked but not with my name)
2007-08-21 08:40:06 UTC
lower back tattoos
2007-08-21 07:16:49 UTC
1. Tramp Stamps, or tattoos in places that are very trailer park trashy.

That's pretty much it- but I agree with you about the Disney and Looney Toon characters. =]
2007-08-21 07:42:22 UTC
weird dragons
2007-08-21 07:13:41 UTC
All of them make my skin crawl, but especially the "tramp stamps" girls put on their lower back, just below their belt line. Ick!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.