*lol* Another tattoo snob, I love you!
I too, don't like tribal tattoos, not on most people. I once saw an immigrant from Africa with tribal tattoos, it really worked for him. But come one, some skinny white boy from suburbia? Looks rediculous.
I actually rather like butterflies if they are artistically done.
Disney or loony tunes....I can't add to that, they're pretty bad.
Using chinese/japanese lettering is pretty silly, especially when the don't know the language and have no idea what the letters actually mean.
Floral bands, I man they are pretty but a poor substitute for a bracelet. It's suppose to be a tattoo, not jewelery.
Badly drawn fairies, it just makes me want to hurl.
I can't help but to roll my eyes when I see people with black angel wings tatt on their backs, I've seen that one everywhere. Do they really think they're being a rebel by making them black? Geez
The absolutely worse tattoo: I *heart* Colleen. I see that kind of tattoo and think, wow they are really going to regret getting their girlfriend/boyfriend's name tattoos permenately on their skin...
Well, that's all I can think of, thanks for listening :)