I love looking through people's tattoos and on websites, and often it will say if a particular design was done by a freehand tattooist, but sometimes I've seen a few people be really smug about the fact that their tattoo was done by a freehander as opposed to 'just some stencil artist'. I have two tattoos, both large custom designs and very intricate and I'm extremely happy with them, and these were done with the use of a stencil/transfer thing... why is it that some people consider themselves better for having freehand tattoos? I can see why the artist might boast as of course it's an exceptional talent to be able to produce work like that freehand, but why the customer? I have no problem with admitting mine was done with a transfer on first... unless I knew I was going to one of the best in the country then tbh I'd probably prefer it that way, gives me more peace of mind that it won't go wrong! So where does people's smugness come from? I don't get it!